Package com.groiss.dms

The dms package contains classes and interfaces for handling documents.


Interface Summary
DMS Utility class for DMS related operations.
DMSArchiver Interface for archiving documents.
DMSDocForm The base interface for all documents with meta data in @enterprise DMS
DMSFolder This interface represents a folder containing DMSObjects.
DMSFolderForm base interface for all form-based DMS folders
DMSForm The base interface for all forms in @enterprise DMS
DMSLink The base interface for all links in @enterprise DMS
DMSNote The base interface for all notes in @enterprise DMS
DMSWebLink The base interface for all Weblinks in @enterprise DMS
FormEventHandler This interface is used for writing callback classes enhancing the functionality of forms.
FormEventHandler2 This interface extends FormEventHandler to allow more flexible interaction when showing a form.
FormTableHandler Interface that allows implementers to customize the form table.
FormType The type of a DMSForm
IStore This is the interface providing methods for storing the content of documents and their versions.
Keyword This interface represents a key word which is designed to be used as an annotation for DMSObjects.
RemoteDMS Utility class for DMS related operations.
XHTMLFolderFormEventHandler This interface can be used to react on adding or removing an DMSObject from a DMSFolder
XHTMLFormEventHandler This interface is used for writing callback classes enhancing the functionality of forms.

Class Summary
DMSTableAdapter The default implementation of a DMSTableHandler.
FormContext A context object containing some information about the context in which a form is shown or edited.
FormEventAdapter The adapter which receives form events.
XHTMLFolderFormEventAdapter The adapter which receives folder events.
XHTMLFormEventAdapter The adapter which receives xhtml form events.

Package com.groiss.dms Description

The dms package contains classes and interfaces for handling documents.

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