Interface TimeManagement

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TimeManagement

Pluggable time management. Your implementation should implement this interface.

Method Summary
 void archiveProcessInstance(ProcessInstance pi)
          If something is to do when processes are archived (clean up).
 java.util.Date calculateActivityDueDate(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityInstance prevStep)
          Compute the duedate for the given ActivityInstance
 java.util.Date calculateProcessDueDate(ProcessDefinition process)
          Returns a default duedate for a process start.
 Component getHistoryInfo(ActivityInstance ai)
          Return a href to a detail page for the time management of the process instance.
 java.lang.String getProcessStartInfo(ProcessDefinition procdef)
          Return a href to a detail page for the process start mask If the result is empty, nothing is done.
 java.lang.String getWorklistInfo(ActivityInstance ai)
          Return a href to a detail page for the time management of the activity instance.

Method Detail


java.util.Date calculateProcessDueDate(ProcessDefinition process)
Returns a default duedate for a process start.


java.util.Date calculateActivityDueDate(ActivityInstance instance,
                                        ActivityInstance prevStep)
Compute the duedate for the given ActivityInstance


void archiveProcessInstance(ProcessInstance pi)
If something is to do when processes are archived (clean up).

pi -


java.lang.String getProcessStartInfo(ProcessDefinition procdef)
Return a href to a detail page for the process start mask If the result is empty, nothing is done. Otherwise a link is created showing the details in an iframe on the process start mask.

procdef -
an url or null


java.lang.String getWorklistInfo(ActivityInstance ai)
Return a href to a detail page for the time management of the activity instance. It is used in the worklist in the duedate column. If the result is empty, nothing is done. Otherwise a link is created with the result value as href. An additional tab "scehdule" is created in the activity instance detail page

ai -
an url or null


Component getHistoryInfo(ActivityInstance ai)
Return a href to a detail page for the time management of the process instance. It is used in the worklist in the duedate column. If the result is empty, nothing is done. Otherwise a link is created with the result value as href.

ai -
an url or null

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