public class Recipient extends ExportablePersistentObject
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Defines the various kinds of agents
filled, oid
Constructor and Description |
Create an empty recipient.
Recipient(Persistent templ,
short pos)
Create a recipient for a template.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Agent |
Return the agent.
String |
Return the agent-string, is used for types email, stepagent, or formfield.
Recipient.AgentType |
Return the type of the agent.
String[][] |
A class may return key field groups in order to identify already existing objects
of that class.
OrgUnit |
Return the organizational unit, used only if agent is a role.
short |
Return the position of the recipient in the recipient list.
Message.RecipientType |
Get the recipient type (to, cc, bccc).
short |
Return the recipient type as numer. 0=To, 1=CC, 2=BCC
String |
This method must return the table name of the database table in which
this persistent object is stored.
Persistent |
Return the message template or tracker object this template belongs to.
void |
The recipient is valid only if type is user or role and agent is not null OR if type is email,
stepagent, or formfield and agentString is not null OR type is owner.
Recipient |
setAgent(Agent a)
Set the recipient to a user or role.
Recipient |
setAgentString(String email)
Set the recipient to an email.
Recipient |
setAgentType(Recipient.AgentType type)
Set the agent type.
Recipient |
setOrgUnit(OrgUnit ou)
Set the organizational unit.
Recipient |
setRecType(Message.RecipientType s)
Set the recipient type (to, cc, bccc).
Recipient |
setRecTypeShort(short s)
Get the recipient type from number.
Recipient |
setTemplate(MessageTemplate template)
Set the template the recipient belongs to.
String |
toString() |
afterDelete, afterInsert, afterRead, afterUpdate, beforeDelete, beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, clone, dbFields, equals, getKey, getLocalClassName, getLocalObjectName, getOid, getStore, getValue, hashCode, isFilled, onDelete, onInsert, onRead, onUpdate, setFilled, setOid, setOid, setStore, toListString
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
beforeImport, exportFields, getAdditionalObjects, getRequiredObjects, getRequiredReferences
afterDelete, afterInsert, afterRead, afterUpdate, beforeDelete, beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, dbFields, getKey, getLocalClassName, getLocalObjectName, getOid, getStore, getValue, isFilled, setFilled, setOid, setOid, setStore, toListString
public Recipient()
public Recipient(Persistent templ, short pos)
public String getTableName()
public Agent getAgent()
public OrgUnit getOrgUnit()
public String getAgentString()
public Recipient.AgentType getAgentType()
public short getRecTypeShort()
public Persistent getTemplate()
public Recipient setOrgUnit(OrgUnit ou)
public Recipient setAgentType(Recipient.AgentType type)
public Message.RecipientType getRecType()
public Recipient setRecType(Message.RecipientType s)
public Recipient setRecTypeShort(short s)
for keys.public Recipient setTemplate(MessageTemplate template)
public short getPos()
public void isValid()
in interface Persistent
in class PersistentObject
public String[][] getKeys()
The first key field group is occasionally treated in a special manner as the primary business key. E.g. the export import functionality checks for object existence according to just the first key field group.
If no key field groups can be provided by the implementing class an empty result must be returned - use Persistent.emptyKeys
to do so.
in interface Persistent
in class PersistentObject
{{"name", "birthdate"},{"ssn"}}
for a
class defining two key field groups. The first one contains the fields name
, the second key field group has just one field ssn
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