Class SubLink


public class SubLink extends Object
Class for the connection of two class mappings. It is added to a ClassMapping by addSubLink. Specified are the name of a java class and the name of a link attribute (foreign key) There must exist a class mapping for the target class. The java class must map to a table where the link attribute holds the oid of the referring class as a foreign key.
  • Constructor Details

    • SubLink

      public SubLink(String className, String linkAtt)
      Construct a new Sublink instance.
      className - the name of the linked java class
      linkAtt - the name of the linking attribute in the linked class
  • Method Details

    • setClassName

      public void setClassName(String className)
      Set the class name for the target of this sublink.
      className - the target class name
    • getClassName

      public String getClassName()
      Return the target class name of this sublink.
      the target class name of this sublink
    • setLinkAtt

      public void setLinkAtt(String linkAtt)
      Set the attribute name of the linking attribute of this sublink.
      linkAtt - the name of the linking attribute
    • getLinkAtt

      public String getLinkAtt()
      Returns the name of the linking attribute
      the name of the linking attribute