Interface HttpAuth

All Known Implementing Classes:
LDAPPasswdAuth, PasswdAuth

public interface HttpAuth
The interface HttpdAuth defines the authentification interface, application programmers can provide their own class implementing their authentification policy.
  • Method Details

    • sendLoginRequest

      void sendLoginRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception
      This method is called by the server, when authorization is required and the client must be requested for login information. It typically sends a HTML page containing a login form to the browser.
      req - the HTTP Request
      res - the HTTP Response, where the HTML-page must be written to.
    • checkUser

      Principal checkUser(String user, String passwd, String clientAddr) throws Exception
      This method gets the parameters necessary for checking if the user is allowed to connect to the server. If the user is not allowed to connect an exception containing the reason is thrown.
      user - a string determining the id of the user who wants to get connected
      passwd - the password of the user
      clientAddr - the ip-address of the client from which the user wants to connect
    • logoutRedirect

      default void logoutRedirect(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception
      This method can be used to overwrite the logout redirect. The default implementation does the following: If there is a file alllangs/logout.html, redirect uses this path, else web application root is used (../).
      req - the HTTP Request
      res - the HTTP Response, where the redirect is sent to