Class FilteredWorklist

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FilteredWorklist extends Object implements Worklist
Adapter for worklists. Show only items for specific roles, tasks, or processes. The configuration is done using the "params" element of the worklist configuration. Example:
<params>{filter: "task", exclude: ["order","a_task"]}</params>
The configuration is defined in the syntax of a JSON object. Filter defines the object class that is filtered, either "task", "role", or "process", exclude or include defines the list of objects included or excluded. The list contains the ids. For tasks and processes all versions of the object with the given id are used for matching.
  • Field Details

    • logger

      protected static final org.slf4j.Logger logger
    • config

      protected Triple<,Boolean,List<Persistent>> config
  • Constructor Details

    • FilteredWorklist

      public FilteredWorklist()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(HttpServletRequest req, WorklistDescription wl, User u)
      Description copied from interface: Worklist
      You can init your class with the request. For your convenience, we tell you the kind of the worklist and the user
      Specified by:
      init in interface Worklist
      req - the request; may be null when called from notification threads
      wl - the worklist description
      u - the user
    • resetForNode

      public static void resetForNode(String nodeid)
      Remove the cached structure for an id.
    • getList

      public List<ActivityInstance> getList(List<ActivityInstance> ais)
      Filter the worklist items.
      Specified by:
      getList in interface Worklist