Class WfXMLForm

  extended by com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLObject
      extended by com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLForm
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
WfXMLDocForm, WfXMLFolder

public class WfXMLForm
extends WfXMLObject
implements java.lang.Cloneable

This class can be used to represent forms. You can create new empty forms and add content to them. You can also create a WfXMLForm out of an existing DMSForm.
When you have created a WfXMLForm according to your needs, you can use it for sending within WfXML messages, and for creating DMSForms out of it.
See the super class WfXMLObject for a general explanation and examples.

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> content
protected static java.lang.String FIELDDT
protected static java.lang.String FORM_FIELD
protected static java.lang.String FORM_FIELDNAME
protected static java.lang.String FORMID
protected  java.lang.String formName
protected static java.lang.String FORMSUBID
protected static java.lang.String FORMUSER
protected static java.lang.String FORMVERSION
protected  java.lang.String id
protected  int subformId
protected  MultiMap<java.lang.Integer,WfXMLForm> subForms
protected  int version
Fields inherited from class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLObject
namespace, notes, userId
Constructor Summary
          Creates a completely empty WfXMLForm object.
WfXMLForm(DMSForm dmsForm)
          This constructor creates a WfXMLForm out of a DMSForm.
WfXMLForm(java.lang.String formName, org.jdom.Element formElem)
WfXMLForm(java.lang.String id, int version, java.lang.String userId)
          Creates an empty WfXMLForm object and sets a form name, a class name, and a creator user id for the form.
WfXMLForm(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject obj)
Method Summary
 void addSubForm(WfXMLForm form, int subFormId)
          Add a subform to this WfXMLForm.
 void attachNote(java.lang.String subject, java.lang.String noteContent, java.lang.String noteCreator, boolean isPrivate)
          Adds a note to this form.
 void attachNote(WfXMLNote note)
          Adds a note to this form.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Use the clone method if you need a copy of this WfXMLForm.
 DMSObject createDMSObject(User defaultCreator)
          This method creates DMSObject objects out of this WfXMLForm.
 void fill(DMSObject existingForm, User defaultCreator)
          This method fills an existing DMSForm with the values of this WfXMLForm.
 org.jdom.Element getAsXML()
          Use this method to get the content of this form represented as XML (with JDOM elements).
 java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.String name)
          Use this method to retrieve the value of one of this form's fields.
 java.lang.String getFormName()
          Returns the form name, with which the form is defined in process definitions.
 java.lang.String getId()
          Returns the id that has been set for this form.
 java.lang.String getName()
          This method returns the form name.
 java.util.List<WfXMLNote> getNotes()
          Returns a List with all attached notes.
 int getSubformId()
          Returns the subform id.
 java.util.List getSubForms(java.lang.String subId)
          Returns a List containing all subforms for the given id.
 int getVersion()
          Returns the version that has been set for this form.
 org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject getXMLObject()
 void removeField(java.lang.String name)
          This method removes a field from this form.
 void setField(java.lang.String name, double value)
          Set a field to a double value.
 void setField(java.lang.String name, long value)
          This method sets a field to an integer value.
 void setField(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Use this method to set a field to various values.
 void setFormName(java.lang.String formName)
          Set the form name, with which the form is defined in process definitions.
 void setId(java.lang.String id)
          Sets an id for this WfXMLForm.
 void setSubformId(int id)
          Set a subform id for this form.
 void setVersion(int version)
          Use this method to set a version for the form.
Methods inherited from class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLObject
createInstance, createInstance, createInstance, getUser, getUser, getUserId, setUserId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String FORMID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FORMVERSION
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FORMSUBID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FORMUSER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FIELDDT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FORM_FIELD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String FORM_FIELDNAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.lang.String formName


protected java.lang.String id


protected int version


protected int subformId


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> content


protected MultiMap<java.lang.Integer,WfXMLForm> subForms
Constructor Detail


public WfXMLForm()
Creates a completely empty WfXMLForm object. Use the setter and add methods to add content to the form.


public WfXMLForm(java.lang.String id,
                 int version,
                 java.lang.String userId)
Creates an empty WfXMLForm object and sets a form name, a class name, and a creator user id for the form. Use the setter and add methods to add content to the form.

id - id and version are used to identify a FormType when a DMSForm object is created with this form.
version - The version of the FormType (see id).
userId - With this parameter you can specify the id of a user, who will be used when a DMSForm is created out of this form. If you don't want to set a special user for creating the form, you can simply pass null (in that case, WfXMLForm will try to create the DMSForm with another user --- default document creator, process instance creator...). If no user can be found, creating the DMSForm will fail.


public WfXMLForm(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject obj)


public WfXMLForm(java.lang.String formName,
                            org.jdom.Element formElem)
          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Use this constructor to create a WfXMLForm object out of a JDOM Element.

formName - A form name if this form is used as process form. The form name must be a form name defined in a process definition. If this is no process form, pass null.
formElem - JDOM Element where the whole form content is located.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if formElem is an unexpected element with no form data.


public WfXMLForm(DMSForm dmsForm)
          throws java.lang.Exception
This constructor creates a WfXMLForm out of a DMSForm. The WfXMLForm will contain all fields, referenced forms, subforms, and attached notes.

dmsForm - The DMSForm of which you want to create a WfXMLForm.
java.lang.Exception - if the DMSForm is not filled and cannot be filled.
Method Detail


public void setId(java.lang.String id)
Sets an id for this WfXMLForm. Together, id and version are used to identify the FormType of which this WfXMLForm is.

id - The id you want to set for this form.


public java.lang.String getId()
Returns the id that has been set for this form. Together, id and version specify the FormType of which this WfXMLForm is.

The id of this form.


public void setVersion(int version)
Use this method to set a version for the form. Version and id are used to identify a FormType, which will be used when a DMSForm is created.

version - The new version you want to set for this form. version should be a positive value.


public int getVersion()
Returns the version that has been set for this form. Version and id are used to identify a FormType, which will be used when a DMSForm is created.

The version which has been set for this form. A value of -1 indicates, that no version has been set.


public void setSubformId(int id)
Set a subform id for this form. This makes sense if you want to use this form as subform.

id - The subform id (should be a positive value).


public int getSubformId()
Returns the subform id.

The subform id. A value of -1 means, that no subform id has been set.


public java.lang.String getFormName()
Returns the form name, with which the form is defined in process definitions.

A string containing the form name or null if no form name has been specified.


public void setFormName(java.lang.String formName)
Set the form name, with which the form is defined in process definitions.

formName - A string containing the form name


public void setField(java.lang.String name,
                     long value)
This method sets a field to an integer value. If you get the field value with the getField method, you will receive a Long object.

name - Name of the field. If a field with this name already exists, the old value will be overwritten.
value - An integer value for that field.


public void setField(java.lang.String name,
                     double value)
Set a field to a double value. If you get the value later with getField(java.lang.String) you will receive a Double object.

name - Name of the parameter you want to set.
value - A decimal value.


public void setField(java.lang.String name,
                     java.lang.Object value)
Use this method to set a field to various values. value can be one of the following:

name - The name of the field. If a field with this name already exists, the old field value will be lost.
value - An Object holding the value that you want to set.


public java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.String name)
Use this method to retrieve the value of one of this form's fields. The method returns an object of type Object because it is not sure what lies behind the field. Object can be one of the following:

name - The name of the field that you want to retrieve.
An object representing the value of the field, or null if no value is set for a field with the name name.


public void removeField(java.lang.String name)
This method removes a field from this form. If the field does not exist, nothing happens.

name - The name of the field you want to remove.


public void addSubForm(WfXMLForm form,
                       int subFormId)
Add a subform to this WfXMLForm. You must specify an id for adding the subform. The type of the added form is set to TYPE_SUB automatically.

form - A WfXMLForm you want to add as subform.
subFormId - The id for which the subform will be added.


public java.util.List getSubForms(java.lang.String subId)
Returns a List containing all subforms for the given id. The list contains WfXMLForm objects.

subId - The id for which you want to receive subforms.
A List with all subforms (WfXMLForm objects). Use the returned list in a read-only way!


public void attachNote(java.lang.String subject,
                       java.lang.String noteContent,
                       java.lang.String noteCreator,
                       boolean isPrivate)
Adds a note to this form. The note will be attached to the form, when DMSObject objects are created with the createDMSObject method.

subject - A subject for the note.
noteContent - The content of the note.
noteCreator - The user id of the user who is the creator of the note. If you don't want to set a special user here, use null. In that case another user will be used for creating the note (line in the createDMSObject method.
isPrivate - true makes the note private, thus being viewable only for its creator. false means that the note is public and can be viewed by anybody.


public void attachNote(WfXMLNote note)
Adds a note to this form. The note will be attached to the form, when DMSObject objects are created with the createDMSObject method.

note - A WfXMLNote object representing the note that you want to add.


public java.util.List<WfXMLNote> getNotes()
Returns a List with all attached notes. The List is filled with WfXMLNote objects.

A list containing all attached notes as WfXMLNote objects. Use the returned list in a read-only way!


public DMSObject createDMSObject(User defaultCreator)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
This method creates DMSObject objects out of this WfXMLForm. At least a DMSForm object will be created. That object represents this form. Additionally other objects may be created (e.g., subforms, notes, ...).
All these objects will be created with the users who have been set for them. If no user has been set, the method will use the defaultCreator to create objects. If no user can be found at all, an exception is thrown.

Specified by:
createDMSObject in class WfXMLObject
defaultCreator - DMSObjects will be created with this user, if no particular user is defined for them. If you don't want to set a default creator, simply pass null.
A reference to the DMSForm, which represents this WfXMLForm.
java.lang.Exception - if creating the DMSForm fails (e.g., no user found, etc.).


public void fill(DMSObject existingForm,
                 User defaultCreator)
          throws java.lang.Exception
This method fills an existing DMSForm with the values of this WfXMLForm. It's similar to createDMSObject(, with the only difference, that the DMSForm must already exist.
Notes and subforms will also be created and attached to the DMSForm. All values that have been defined in this WfXMLForm will be set in the DMSForm. So values, which exist in the DMSForm, will not be changed, if they are not defined in the WfXMLForm...
After filling the form with data, changes are stored in the database.

Specified by:
fill in class WfXMLObject
existingForm - An existing DMSForm, which will be filled with the values set in this WfXMLForm. If you pass an object of a different type to this method, nothing will be done.
defaultCreator - A default user for creating objects (notes, subforms), if no particular user is defined for creating them. You can set this parameter to null if you don't want to provide a default creator.
java.lang.Exception - if no user could be found, or if something fails while objects are created and attached/added.


public java.lang.String getName()
This method returns the form name. The form name is the name of the form, as it is displayed in a DMS folder when a form is located there. The form name is one or more of the form fields (the form type defines which form fields have to be used to build the form name). For getting the form name the corresponding FormType must be present (id and version). If no such form type exists on the local server, null will be returned.

Specified by:
getName in class WfXMLObject
Returns the name of the form, or null if the name cannot be read. That might happen if the specified form type is not available, or if the form does not contain any of the fields which form the name.


public org.jdom.Element getAsXML()
Use this method to get the content of this form represented as XML (with JDOM elements). The returned element contains all fields, values, referenced forms and subforms.

Specified by:
getAsXML in class WfXMLObject
A JDOM Element containing the whole content of this form.


public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject getXMLObject()
Specified by:
getXMLObject in class WfXMLObject


public java.lang.Object clone()
Use the clone method if you need a copy of this WfXMLForm. This method creates a kind of deep copy of the WfXMLForm, but, in fact, the copy is not completely deep.
So, what will be copied is the following:

But: All WfXMLForm objects that have been added to this WfXMLForm object (as subForms or fields) will not be cloned! For most cases this is a good behavior.
What you can do with the cloned form (without affecting the old form) includes:

The only thing you must take care with, is when you want to perform changes on other WfXMLForm objects or WfXMLNotes:

So, if there is really need of changing a subform or a referenced form, you should do the following:
  1. get the form (e.g., getField)
  2. remove the form (e.g., removeField)
  3. clone the form
  4. do changes on the form
  5. and finally add the changed form again
If this is too complicated, you could consider building up a new WfXMLForm..., or you could do a

new WfXMLForm(null, yourOldForm.getAsXML())

This, in fact, creates a real deep copy with all subforms and referenced forms, because first XML code is genereted and then a new WfXMLForm is build with that XML code... (which is expensive, of course).

clone in class java.lang.Object

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