Package com.groiss.wfxml

In this package you can find some classes needed for using @enterprise's WfXML functionality.


Interface Summary
DMSFilter This interface can be used to control the inclusion of DMSDocuments in a WfXML-CreatePIMessage.

Class Summary
Partner Instances of this class represent WfXML communication partners.
WfXMLDocForm This class represents DMSDocForm objects.
See the WfXMLObject base class for general information and examples of how to use WfXMLObject objects.
WfXMLFolder This class represents a DMSFolder.
WfXMLForm This class can be used to represent forms.
WfXMLNote This class represents notes.
WfXMLObject WfXMLObject and its subclasses are used to easily access, modify and create DMSObject objects and to do a transformation to and from XML.
Therefore the hierarchical structure of these WfXML classes is similar to the structure of the DMSObject interface and its subinterfaces.

The mapping between WfXMLObject objects and DMSObject objects works like this:
WfXMLNote -- DMSNote WfXMLWebLink -- DMSWebLink WfXMLForm -- DMSForm WfXMLDocForm -- DMSDocForm WfXMLFolder -- DMSFolder WfXMLObject -- DMSObject As you can see, the same naming scheme has been used, so it's easy to keep that mapping in mind.
Let's take a look on what you can do with WfXMLObject objects:

First, you can create WfXMLObject objects in three different ways: You can create a new and empty WfXMLObject with one of the subclasses' constructors. You can create a WfXMLObject out of an existing DMSObject.
WfXMLWebLink Instances of this class represent web links.

Package com.groiss.wfxml Description

In this package you can find some classes needed for using @enterprise's WfXML functionality.

WfXMLObject and all of its subclasses (WfXMLForm, WfXMLDocForm, WfXMLFolder, and WfXMLNote) represent DMS objects that can be sent with WfXML messages. They are a very useful abstraction of the DMS objects (see WfXMLObject for details).

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