
Annotation Interface CallableMethod

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface CallableMethod
Annotation for methods that should be displayed in the system task editor. The annotated methods are required to be public and all their parameters must be Strings!

Further information to the annotated method and its parameters can be added via the resources. This information is found automatically if the translation key starts with the following pattern: "{fully-qualified class name}.{method name}_" e.g. 
The key above will be used in the following examples for better visualization. Now there are a few things which can be added to the key:

To add a customized description for the method, just add desc to the key mentioned above and use it as translation key in the resources. The description will then be fetched according to the currently used locale.

To be able to describe the parameters, just add the ID of the parameter, which was is set in params(), to the above key like this:
Parameters may have a customized description (add _desc) as well as a customized label (add _label). The translation keys for each of them look like this:
The description is shown as hint right beside the parameters input. Addition of _label changes the parameters label in the wizard.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Description of the method.
    To which group the method belongs.
    The method parameters as String array.
  • Element Details

    • description

      String description
      Description of the method. Can either be a String, a resource key with "@" (e.g. @@@key@@) or be omitted completely and described in the resources
    • group

      String group
      To which group the method belongs. Can either be a String, a resource key with "@" (e.g. @@@key@@) or be omitted completely and described in the resources
    • params

      String[] params
      The method parameters as String array. Each parameter has to be defined as JSON object and may have following properties: id, type, label, description

      . The properties id and type are mandatory and cannot be translated. Both label and description may be resource keys with "@" or described in the resources and therefore be omitted in the annotation. For example:

      {id: 'message', type:'text', description: 'The message to send', label: '@@@message@@'}
      {id: 'formfield', type:'formfield}
      Following types are allowed: "text" (default), "number", "boolean", "form" and "formfield". If no type is declared, the default will be taken.

      If no ID is set, the ID will be taken from the method parameters. CAUTION: This ID could be arg0, arg1, arg2, etc. Also bear in mind, that the ID is also needed for the resource keys (see here).

      If no label is set or found in the resources, the given ID will be used as label (see here).
