All Classes and Interfaces

abstract implementation of the component interface with some common code for subclasses
Abstract implementation of the container interface.
default, base, implementation for any ReportingExportable
This annotation describes the access of a web method, it is either Public (everybody has access), or User (logged in users have access), or Admin (= part of the administration).
The values for the access mode.
A Page
Activatable objects can be activated and deactivated.
The activity instance represents a step of a process instance.
Defines the last action of the activity.
Interface for administrative actions.
Common interface for User and Role.
Implementing this Interface, several result set tuples are aggregated to one entry in tablemodel.
string-comparator which correctly sorts alphanumeric values
Interface for describing an application.
Interface for classes customizing the application behaviour. your implementation will be used for an application if it is registered in the application administration as application class.
Handling dependencies between applications.
Class for Exceptions thrown in @enterprise and applications.
Level for logging the exception.
Special ObjectInputStream that uses the @enterprise class loader, thus, also classes in the application class path can be found.
Class for defining assertions.
RuntimeException indicating that an assert failed.
Objects of this class represent the columns in a DataSet.
An attribute represents a simple field in an Entity/DB-table or a more complex structure containing multiple fields/sources
Maps LDAP attribute names to field names of java objects.
Authorization interface for OAuth.
Utilities for writing an authorization class.
Provides encoding of raw bytes to base64-encoded characters, and decoding of base64 characters to raw bytes.
Implementation of the Event class.
A default implementation for NotificationItem.
Class for synchronizing users from LDAP or Active Directory.
Interface BatchAdapter allows an instance to be notified by the BatchManager of execution events of a BatchJob.
Captures state information about batch jobs.
Starts and Completes BatchJobs.
Manages transaction aware components (="beans").
A nominal attribute which is able to represent the boolean values true and false.
A Classifier that can be built using Buildable.buildClassifier(DataSet) based on a given training set.
Allows efficient execution of queries for a set of items.
A HTML button element.
A DataSource that can be created out of a byte array, a String or an input stream.
This is a utility class to construct clustered caches which propagate changes in the cluster.
a calendar event returned by CalInfo
CalEvent import/export format
Source for Calendar Events.
implement CalInfo instead
Annotation for methods that should be displayed in the system task editor.
Use this class to register your own CalInfo implementation or participant class.
This class provides some utilities for date and time handling.
contains a set of objects and CalInfos
Use this object for writing a cell value into a table model if you need cell attributes.
To generate Charts reporting uses the JfreeChart libary.
A HTML Checkbox, <input type=checkbox ...
This is an extension of the ExportablePersistentObject class that implements the additional interfaces OptimisticLocking and HasPermissionList.
Interface for Policy Checker.
This class provides methods to be used in system steps of process definitions as well as pre-processings and postconditions of tasks.
Represents the label of a classification prediction along with the probability of that prediction.
Main interface for performing classifications.
Base interface for classifier implementations.
Representation of what classifier is used for what output field and which input fields get used to do so.
Represents a single option with arguments for a ClassifierAssignment.
Maps a Java Class to an LDAP Object Class.
implements differenet kinds of resolvers/locators and checks for references in the classpath
Utility for loading classes and creating instances.
This class is designed to be used in any case you need to communicate with another server using the HTTP protocol.
the HTTP methods supported by this client
With this class the Client for HTTP based communication can be configured.
interface for exporters which present the data on the client side using the browser/dojo
A potpourri of utility methods for smartclients.
A configuration object that holds all the settings to be used for presenting the requested dialog on the clientside
for ClientUtil.DialogConfiguration.Type.CHOICE dialogs to specify the kind of input to be used for the options
Type of dialog.
This class is the clipboard for all copy/cut/link actions.
the supported modes for the clipboard
This class can be used to acquire cluster specific data.
Cluster support functions accessible via HTTP requests.
Holds column definition from import.xml.
Annotation to define the labels (i18n keys) for fields of Persistent objects.
This class represents the description of a column within a table, i.e. it defines the properties for a column like its name or if the column is visible by default.
A worklist adapter that delegates the adapter method calls to all adapters configured in the params object in property adapters.
A gui component with a compare value.
The comparable pair represents a pair of a key and a value.
interface for any component the component is an elementary part of any view see the composite pattern [GoF95] for any details
This class handles the access to the configuration.
Can be used to load properties which usually come from the configuration of @enterprise or of applications from other locations.
provides ConfigurationContext instances for ws-client calls the axis2.xml and repositories have to be in ws/client.ctx
A table where the configuration is read from XML.
The facade to the cluster communication mechanism.
the container is an composite component of a view see the composite pattern [GoF95] for any details
A CountedSemaphore (from Dijkstra) where waiting threads are handled in FIFO order.
Map of a column in the import file to a attribute in the object.
a utility class which reads RFC4180 (CSV compliant records from an inputstream many setter-methods for changing the behavior are available there's also a way for reading fixed length records
describes a csv-file
a utility class which writes RFC4180 (CSV compliant records to a outputstream many setter-methods for changing the behavior are available there's also a way for writing fixed length records
A class representing result rows from XStores.
Interface representing a list of instances used for learning and/or evaluation.
Attribute representing a date value.
Reporting data type for date values
This class maintains a pool of database connections.
Some utility methods used for compatibility between databases.
Default implementation for ApplicationAdapter
This class is responsible for showing the error page.
Parent class of several reporting data classes.
Provides static methods for accessing the default resource.
Default implementation computes process and task due dates based on process and task durations.
Provides associate a fixed value to each instance of an Enum.
An Exporter for creating tables in csv format.
used for userdefined object deserialization while importing
Persistance class for Directory Servers
Provides a method to synchronize between a LDAP Server and @enterprise.
A HTML div element.
Utility class for DMS related operations.
Options for adding a document to a folder.
Predefined form types.
Interface for archiving documents.
The base interface for all documents with meta data in @enterprise DMS
This interface represents a folder containing DMSObjects.
base interface for all form-based DMS folders
The base interface for all forms in @enterprise DMS
The base interface for all links in @enterprise DMS
The base interface for all notes in @enterprise DMS
Defines the various types of a note
since ep 10.0, implement interface DMSTableHandler directly which provides default implementations now
Implement this class for modifying a DMS table.
Utility class containing methods for customizing web interfaces of the document management.
The base interface for all Weblinks in @enterprise DMS
Disjunctive normal form.
Create a document from an open office template.
This interface can be used to react on setting the content of a DMS document.
Utility class for handling office-documents and templates following variables are accessible, in the mixin(..) methods ai: the current activity instance (WfEngine.getContext()) pi: the process-instance of $ai user: ThreadContext.getThreadPrincipal() form_{formid}: the process-form with the given id configuration: the system configuration configuration_applid: the application configuration all other properties specified with the respective methods
Abstract subclass of HTMLExporter.
A HTML select element with size=1
An Entity describes a table/view in the DB.
This annotation signifies that a method is being exempted from the referer check.
Defines how to format the exceptions.
EscapeMode to be used in CSVReader or CSVWriter
This class is used to store the result of the evaluation of classification model.
Interface for creating event classes.
The base class for an event handler.
The event-manager allows registrating for events, unregistrating, and raising events.
The Event Registry interface describes a registration of an event
different EventType change the behavior when searching for a possible appointment-date
Utility class for creating Excel files.
ReportingExportable that implement that interface, may multiply a single DB result into multiple table-model rows (e.g. expand a time-interval into single dates)
Classes that want to provide the possibility of being exported/imported by the import/export functionality of @enterprise must implement this interface.
this is an extension to the PersistentObject class which can be exported via the @enterprise import/export functionality all required Exportable methods are implemented with default behavior
Special value in table rows.
Specifies the data source for an Attribute.
A HTML fieldset element.
A HTML input element for selecting files.
Abstract class for defining a import handler.
This Interface defines 2 methods to access the file data of the report result ReportingExporter, which are generating files (e.g pdf, xls, odt) as a result, have to implement this interface to be useable in ReportTimer
Some convenient file methods.
Adapter for worklists.
This interface represents the relation between a DMSFolder and the DMSObjects of this folder.
A classifier usable in process context.
The FormContainer to build a HTML form.
A context object containing some information about the context in which a form is shown or edited.
since ep 10.0, implement interface FormEventHandler directly which provides default implementations now
This interface is used for writing callback classes enhancing the functionality of forms.
Interface for form fields.
Interface for the relation between process and process form.
since ep 10.0, implement interface FormTableHandler directly which provides default implementations now
Interface that allows implementers to customize the form table.
The type of a DMSForm
A function in the user interface.
Provide access to GUI-configuration nodes.
The handler interface for receiving cluster messages.
Reporting data type for persistents, where classname is selected together with oid.
Marker interface to designate that a Persistent may have an outstanding DeferredChange.
Automatically record the history when changing the object via OrgData.
Interface for classes that provide a logging context when a log entry is written.
This is an interface for all objects having an owner.
Objects implementing HasPermissionList have an acl field of type PermissionList.
Interface for classes that provide a resource for internationalization.
If a class is annotated with this (non-inheritable) annotation, the store mechanism knows that a field of the class can also contain subclasses of it.
History Entries with a special Version id
A HTML hidden field element.
Interface for customizing the holidays.
Exports Query results to HTML.
An object representing an HTML page.
Simple utility for showing tree structured data in an HTML page.
Some utility methods for building HTML GUIs
Exception is thrown in case the total count of entries exceeds the configured maximum.
The interface HttpdAuth defines the authentification interface, application programmers can provide their own class implementing their authentification policy.
Utility class for dealing with special cases in the area of the HTTP protocol.
Interface for event handler.
A HTML image (img) element.
Holds settings of the current import-process.
use FileImportHandler instead
A timer for importing data from a file.
Represents a row in a DataSet.
Called when a change of the IP address in the session is detected.
IPChecker allows to check IP Addresses with respect to the allow/deny patterns specified in the configuration.
Interface is used for logging purposes only.
This is the interface providing methods for storing the content of documents and their versions.
Interface for user sessions (login of a named user).
This class is responsible for sending the javascript files to the browser.
Java implementation of the unix crypt command.
Compares json objects according to the passed attributes.
Enables data to be loaded via JsonLoader.
Adapter that implements the JsonData interface.
A page implementation suitable for sending JSON objects to the client.
This class implements an ordered map.
This interface is implemented by some classes like PersistantObject, which have a unique key (object id) and a value - the object itself or a string representation.
This interface represents a key word which is designed to be used as an annotation for DMSObjects.
A HTML label.
Authenticate against an LDAP server.
Helper class for dealing with LDAP-Servers
Provides a consistent mechanism to start and stop components.
A HTML link element (a).
Compare two lists.
Make a database lock.
A log entry written when an instance of HasLog is inserted, updated or deleted.
adds logging support to arbitrary classes implementing interfaces a dynamic-proxy is used
Allows to perform actions after login or logout on a IUserSession.
Handler for manipulating parts handled by email tab.
This class represents a mailbox for incoming mails.
Utility class containing methods which are helpful for using the mail functionality in @enterprise.
DefaultMailFunctions defines the default actions of the mail client as entered in admin.xml.
The MailHandler interface allows you to write classes which perform some action on incoming mails.
Item in the mail queue.
Use the methods in this class for sending SMTP mails.
MailAction defines the action for the mail.
Utility class containing methods for dealing with Message objects.
Compare two maps or persistents.
This class represents a message sent by the cluster communication mechanism.
will be called on incomming messages for serverside webservices
Template for creating mail messages.
Used to show some mobile view without the need for the entire mobile client.
A MultiMap maps keys to objects, where one key can be mapped to a list of objects.
A wrapper of HttpServletRequest with additional methods to handle files and adding and removing parameters.
Defines some constants for Notification.
A node in the gui configuration tree.
Interface for nodes in the gui navigation.
This class can be used to shrink wrap potential null values together with an appropriate SQL type (c.f.
Use this archiver if archiving should be disabled.
Attribute which value can be one of a given set of values.
Annotation to exempt fields from being read from or written to the database.
Class for events representing changed NotificationItems.
NotificationItems are objects which can be send to clients.
A facade to the Notification framework.
notifier for calendar-actions
Poor mans implementation of BatchAdapter.
Convenience wrapper for construction of SQL expressions with bind parameters which may be null.
Generic numeric attribute without margins.
Implementing this Interface, enables ReportingData Objects to make numeric aggregations like sum and average.
Handler for deleting object extensions.
Adapter for ObjectFormHandler - but it is recommended to implement ObjectFormHandler directly, because it contains already a default implementation for the methods
This interface is used for writing callback classes for persistents.
default JsonDataAdapter implementation also supports data manipulation via ReadWriteJsonData
Adapter for ObjectTableHandler- but it is recommended to implement ObjectTableHandler directly, because it contains already a default implementation for the methods
Interface that allows implementers to customize the form table.
A table model implementation that allows objects as column names.
Utilities for inserting replacing variables in open office documents.
Reporting data type for organizational units.
Optimistically locked objects have a long transactionid field in the database table and java class.
A map implementation where they keys are backed by a hashmap.
A type for for ganizational unit, for example department, group, etc.
This interface allows access to the organizational data stored in @enterprise.
Predefined applications.
Predefined organization trees.
Predefined rights.
Predefined roles.
Predefined users.
Class for representing an organizational structure.
Class for representing an organizational unit.
Interface for pages returned by methods called from Dispatcher.
A Pair is an object that contains two other objects.
Use this comparator to sort Persistent objects or other KeyValuePairs.
This class is designed to be used to specify parameters (their names and values) for client calls but also to specify the base headers in the ClientConfiguration.
Iterator interface for parallel for.
Instances of this class represent WfXML communication partners.
The default Authorization class.
A HTML password element.
This interface describes a single permission, the base of the @enterprise permission system.
An PermissionList is an aggregation of Permission entries.
Overwrite behaviour of Permission-check for classes.
A query to the permission system.
Objects implementing this interface can be stored with the persistence mechanism of @enterprise.
Allows to change certain aspects of the behavior of the Store and OrgData operations on Persistent objects.
Reporting data type for persistents.
since ep 10.0, implement interface PersistentEventHandler directly which provides default implementations now
This interface provides a hook for some action when an object is inserted, updated or deleted.
This is a default implementation of the Persistent interface.
This interface represents a version of a persistent object and it is intended to be also made persistent.
Time management implementation.
Interface for implementing archive classes.
This class describes process definitions.
A Field of this kind usually does not represent a field of a process form.
The process instance represents an instance of a process definition.
A wrapper around process instances having a different toString method (id + subject).
This class allows the definition of Relations between processes.
Implement this interface if you want to be notified if configuration changes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Access instead
Class describing a report.
initalize reporting and executes reports
This Exception is thrown when the semaphore queue is full.
A HTML radio button.
a group of radio buttons
basic interface to enable data-manipulation using the JsonLoader
The recipients of a message.
Defines the various kinds of agents
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Java representation of a report
Interface ReportingData Inteface for all ReportingData, which does not fit to Standard Datatypes
Interface for ReportingData Objects and AggrValue provides methods for exporting the data objects
Interface of Reporting Exporter.
reporting tablemodel holds data which are read from db and calculated data like grouping rows
Provides resource strings in several languages.
This class implements the response of a request executed via one of the request methods of Client.
Interface for modifying a reporting result (table).
Interface for describing a right.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
This interface describes a role.
Define a schedule in a cron-like syntax.
Maps an LDAP-Schema to a java object net and vice versa.
Representation of a select element of a query.
A HTML select list with size > 1.
used for userdefined object serialization
JMX bean to get some server info.
Services are Java objects that have a lifecycle, a service can be started, stopped, asked for its state and reconfigured.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
implement interface Service directly
Use this class to get instances of WfEngine, OrgData, DMS, Store and Admin.
The main class.
Utility methods to use in servlets.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
This class defines some settings of the server.
custom AutoCloseable implementation that doesn't define any throws for SilentCloseable.close()
default CalView implementation
default CalEvent implementation
ReportinExportable for non DB-data Objects.
a SOAPWebService is a collection of SOAPWebServiceOperation. contains the actual WSDL-definition for all operations
SOAPWebServiceOperation can be used to invoke a specific operation
A HTML link element (a) which can be sorted according to an additional attribute, the sortString.
The store interface represents the interface to the database.
Utilities for store
A Page that can write/stream its output with a writer.
An expression is parsed, the containing variables are substituted with values.
Some convenient string manipulation methods.
defines methods for reading structured files
holds all settings used for import/export
Utility for selecting structured objects.
Interface for the relation between a mainform and a subform.
Class for the connection of two class mappings.
A HTML submit button <input type=submit ...
This interface allows to access the information when and why an activity instance was in the suspension list.
This class provides some methods useful for preprocessing and postconditions.
Interface describing a table for rendering in HTML
Possible shapes of a toolbar.
Adapter class for the table interface.
shared methods for all tableadapter implementations WorklistAdapter, DMSTableAdapter, FormTableAdapter
Container for a HTML table.
Class which renders tables
A component for tabs.
A task is used to describe a manual task in a process definition.
A HTML span element.
Textarea component is used to enter more than one line of text. it should be used in conjunction with the ROWS and COLS attributes to set the size of the textarea.
The Textfield component is used for a single line text entry fields.
This class is designed to hold thread specific information which can then be requested anywhere in the code.
Same as java.lang.ThreadLocal, plus monitoring utility
Utility methods for threads.
Reporting data type for time intervals.
Pluggable time management.
Provide implementations of time management interface
This interface must be supported if another calculation of time intervals is desired
Note: a implementing class must support a constructor without parameters
The TimerEntry interface defines the properties of a timer entry.
The timer manager is the service controlling the timer executions.
A Task for the Timer.
Interface for exceptions where the message is directly presented to the user interface.
A simple container for the split result of a DataSet into a train and a test set.
Provides a means to exclude serializable objects from serialization mechanisms by wrapping them.
Simple N-ary Tree structure.
A Triple is an object that contains three other objects.
HashMap based two-level Map.
A user is a representation for a person registered for working with the system
This class useful for getting information about the user agent (i.e. the browser).
UserFolders are containers for ActivityInstances.
Reporting data type for users.
This interface describes a role.
create an XML representation for value lists, useable in XFORMS
Page implementation which can handle Velocity-templates
following objects may be used in the context by default and may not be used in VelocityPage.set(String, Object) $Formatter - a Formatter instance $user - ThreadContext.getThreadPrincipal() $request - ThreadContext.getThreadRequest() $Configuration - Configuration.get()
Objects implementing this interface provide a different perspective ("view") for a Persistent instance (the base object).
A functional interface for a variant of Callable that returns no value.
This interface defines the authentification interface when accessing DMS elements via WebDAV.
Miscellanea data retrieval methods used in a Web tier.
This interface encapsulates the functionality of the @enterprise workflow engine.
Predefined tasks.
Utility methods for the WfXML functionality.
This class represents DMSDocForm objects.
See the WfXMLObject base class for general information and examples of how to use WfXMLObject objects.
This class represents a DMSFolder.
This class can be used to represent forms.
This class represents notes.
WfXMLObject and its subclasses are used to easily access, modify and create DMSObject objects and to do a transformation to and from XML.
Therefore the hierarchical structure of these WfXML classes is similar to the structure of the DMSObject interface and its subinterfaces.

The mapping between WfXMLObject objects and DMSObject objects works like this:
WfXMLNote -- DMSNote WfXMLWebLink -- DMSWebLink WfXMLForm -- DMSForm WfXMLDocForm -- DMSDocForm WfXMLFolder -- DMSFolder WfXMLObject -- DMSObject As you can see, the same naming scheme has been used, so it's easy to keep that mapping in mind.
Let's take a look on what you can do with WfXMLObject objects:

First, you can create WfXMLObject objects in three different ways: You can create a new and empty WfXMLObject with one of the subclasses' constructors. You can create a WfXMLObject out of an existing DMSObject.
Instances of this class represent web links.
Interface that allows implementers to customize the worklist.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
implement interface Worklist directly
This interface can be used to get properties of the worklist.
Specifies the kind of items of worklist (which items are to be included).
This Exception is thrown when an action will block the current thread.
Wrapper for XForms implementation.
Utility for handling an xform instance with accessor methods to the instance data.
since ep 10.0, implement interface XHTMLFolderFormEventHandler directly which provides default implementations now
This interface can be used to react on adding or removing an DMSObject from a DMSFolder.
since ep 10.0, implement interface XHTMLFormEventHandler directly which provides default implementations now
This interface is used for writing callback classes enhancing the functionality of forms.
This class creates HTML-Pages from XHTML-Source.
XML utils
Can be used to access other databases.
Gets instances of preconfigured XStores.