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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


name - Variable in class com.groiss.fileimport.Column
NAME - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the column holding the name of the DMSObject and the link to its content
NAME - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSWebLink
Defines the name of the field holding the name of this weblink.
NAMED_USER - Static variable in class
Users with this right are named users in terms of licence check.
NAMED_USER - Static variable in interface
The oid for right named_user.
Names - Class in com.groiss.notification
Defines some constants for Notification.
NavigationNode - Class in com.groiss.gui
A node in the gui configuration tree.
NavigationNode() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.NavigationNode
NavigationTreeNode - Interface in com.groiss.gui
Interface for nodes in the gui navigation.
necessaryParameters(HttpServletRequest, String...) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Assert
Check the presence of parameters
needForm(ProcessDefinition, String) - Method in interface
Call this method if you need a form from a process instance
needForm(String, int, String) - Method in interface
Call this method if you need a form from a process instance
needsRestart(String) - Method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
Returns true if the property change needs a server restart to become effective.
NEW - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the action 'New'
NEW_TX - Static variable in class com.groiss.event.EventManager
reserved for future use, execute event in a new transaction (not yet implemented)
newCookie(String, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.servlet.HttpUtils
Generate a new Cookie.
newHttpOnlyCookie(String, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.servlet.HttpUtils
Generate a new HTTP-only Cookie.
newInstance() - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Creates a new instance of the DMSForm represented by this FormType, but does not insert it to the database (therefore the returned DMSForm will not have an oid set).
newInstance(String, String, Class<?>, Select[], String[], String, Resource) - Static method in interface
create a new instance
NEWS - Static variable in class com.groiss.dms.DMS.FormTypes
Form type for news.
NEWS - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Holds the oid of the formtype of news
newToOld(List<ColumnDescription>) - Static method in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapterUtil
next(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
This method is called with each branch.
nextNum(String) - Method in class
Nil - Class in
This class can be used to shrink wrap potential null values together with an appropriate SQL type (c.f.
NO_ADDDEL - Static variable in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use WfEngine.NO_ADDDEL instead
NO_ADDDEL - Static variable in interface
Constant for form-field-mode, if true subforms cannot be added or deleted
NO_ALERT - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.component.Tabs
NO_CHANGE_SYSTEMFIELDS - Enum constant in enum class
Don't change standard fields (createdBy, changedBy, createdAt, changedAt) when a DMSObject is inserted or updated.
NO_DEFERREDCHECK - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid checking of deferred updates during update and delete.
NO_LOG - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid writing of Log Information insert and update and delete via OrgData.
NO_OBJECTEXTENSIONCLEANUP - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid deleting of attached object extensions when their referencing persistent is deleted.
NO_OPTLOCKING - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid checking of transaction id in update.
NO_PERMISSIONCHECK - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid checking of permissions during insert, update and delete via OrgData.
NO_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.util.MailSender.MailAction
NO_VALIDATION - Enum constant in enum class
Avoid checking of validation constraints during insert and update.
NoArchiver - Class in
Use this archiver if archiving should be disabled.
NoArchiver() - Constructor for class
NOBODY - Static variable in class
The nobody user, an inactive user.
NOBODY - Static variable in interface
The oid of the inactive user nobody.
noEmpty(Object) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Returns "&nbsp;" when argument is null, otherwise o.toString()
noEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Returns "&nbsp;" when argument is null, otherwise the string itself.
NominalAttribute<T> - Class in
Attribute which value can be one of a given set of values.
NominalAttribute(String, Class<T>, List<S>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new NominalAttribute.
NominalAttribute(String, Class<T>, S...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new NominalAttribute.
noNaN(double) - Static method in class
noNaN(float) - Static method in class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
A "fictional" worklist.
NONE - Static variable in interface
NONE - Static variable in interface
nonNull(Object, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Assert
Throws an exception if the given argument is null.
NonPersistent - Annotation Interface in
Annotation to exempt fields from being read from or written to the database.
noNull(Object) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Returns the empty string when argument is null, otherwise s.toString()
noNull(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Returns the empty string when argument is null, otherwise the string itself.
NOOP - Static variable in class com.groiss.notification.Names
Event type that represents an unspecified operation
nop() - Method in class
Use as system step dummy, does nothing.
normalize(String, String) - Method in class
normalizeUnicode(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Normalize to "Canonical decomposition, followed by canonical composition."
noTags(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
De-HTMLize a string.
NOTE - Static variable in class com.groiss.dms.DMS.FormTypes
Form type for notes.
NOTE - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Holds the oid of the formtype of notes
notes - Variable in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLObject
NOTES - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the column holding the link to the attached notes of the DMSObject
NotificationEvent - Class in com.groiss.notification
Class for events representing changed NotificationItems.
NotificationEvent(NotificationItem, short) - Constructor for class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
NotificationEvent(NotificationItem, short, Agent) - Constructor for class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
NotificationEvent(NotificationItem, short, Agent, OrgUnit) - Constructor for class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
NotificationEvent(NotificationItem, short, Agent, OrgUnit, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.notification.NotificationEvent
NotificationItem - Interface in com.groiss.notification
NotificationItems are objects which can be send to clients.
NotificationSuite - Class in com.groiss.notification
A facade to the Notification framework.
Notifier - Interface in
notifier for calendar-actions
notify(CalEvent, int, User) - Method in interface
notifySession(HttpSession, String, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.groiss.notification.NotificationSuite
Send a message to smartclients.
notifyUser(User, ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
The method is called when an email-notification about a new worklist entry is sent.
notifyUser(User, ActivityInstance) - Method in class
notifyUser(User, String, Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.groiss.notification.NotificationSuite
Send a message to smartclients.
NS - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
NULL_OPERATORS - Static variable in class com.groiss.reporting.Query
NullAdapter - Class in
Poor mans implementation of BatchAdapter.
NullAdapter() - Constructor for class
NullExpression - Class in
Convenience wrapper for construction of SQL expressions with bind parameters which may be null.
NUMBER_CHECK_PATTERN - Static variable in class
NumericAttribute<T extends Number> - Class in
Generic numeric attribute without margins.
NumericAttribute(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new BooleanAttribute.
NumericValue - Interface in
Implementing this Interface, enables ReportingData Objects to make numeric aggregations like sum and average.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form