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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


RADIO - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.smartclient.ClientUtil.DialogConfiguration.ChoiceType
RadioButton - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
A HTML radio button.
RadioButton() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioButton
Constructs a new empty RadioButton.
RadioButton(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioButton
Constructor with name and value.
RadioButton(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioButton
Constructor with name, value and the initial state.
RadioButton(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioButton
Constructor with name, value and the initial state.
RadioGroup - Class in com.groiss.gui.component
a group of radio buttons
RadioGroup() - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioGroup
RadioGroup(RadioButton) - Constructor for class com.groiss.gui.component.RadioGroup
raiseEvent(Event) - Static method in class com.groiss.event.EventManager
Raises an event.
randomTrue(String) - Method in class
Returns true randomly.
reactivate(ProcessInstance) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process.
reactivate(ProcessInstance) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process.
reactivate(ProcessInstance, String) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process.
reactivate(ProcessInstance, String) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process.
REACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class
reactivateAndTake(ProcessInstance, String) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process and take the reactivated tasks.
reactivateAndTake(ProcessInstance, String) - Method in interface
Reactivate a process and take the reactivated tasks.
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use WfEngine.READ_ONLY instead
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface
Constant for form-field-mode read-only
READ_WRITE - Static variable in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
READ_WRITE - Static variable in interface
Constant for form-field-mode read-write, this is the default.
readClassDescriptor() - Method in class com.groiss.util.ApplicationObjectInputStream
reader - Variable in class com.groiss.fileimport.StructuredFileSettings
READONLY - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
readRecord() - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.csv.CSVReader
reads the next record data will be available thru CSVReader.get(int) and CSVReader.get(String)
readRecord() - Method in interface com.groiss.fileimport.StructuredFileReader
reads the next record
ReadWriteJsonData - Interface in com.groiss.smartclient
basic interface to enable data-manipulation using the JsonLoader
RECALL - Enum constant in enum class
receive(Message, MailBox) - Method in interface com.groiss.mail.MailHandler2
Implement this method to perform some action with the mail message.
RECENTLYUSED - Static variable in class com.groiss.dms.DMS.FormTypes
Form type for recently used folders.
RECENTLYUSED - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Holds the oid of the formtype for the recently used folders
Recipient - Class in com.groiss.messaging
The recipients of a message.
Recipient() - Constructor for class com.groiss.messaging.Recipient
Create an empty recipient.
Recipient(Persistent, short) - Constructor for class com.groiss.messaging.Recipient
Create a recipient for a template.
Recipient.AgentType - Enum Class in com.groiss.messaging
Defines the various kinds of agents
recomputePlan(ProcessInstance) - Method in class com.groiss.timemgmt.PlanTimeMgmt
reconfigure() - Static method in class
reconfigure() - Method in interface com.groiss.component.Service
Reconfigure the service.
reconfigure() - Method in class com.groiss.timer.TimerManager
Reschedule the timers after some properties of a timer has been changed.
reconfigure() - Method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
RECYCLEBIN - Static variable in class com.groiss.dms.DMS.FormTypes
Form type for recycle bins.
RECYCLEBIN - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.FormType
Holds the oid of the formtype of recycle bins
redirect(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.gui.ActionPage
redirect(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.groiss.cluster.ClusterSupport
Redirects the client to the node which has the least workload based on the number of connected users and the performance factor of the node.
REFRESH - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since ep 11; is not needed in smartclient UI
refreshForm(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
refreshWLCache(User) - Method in interface
Refresh the organizational data in the WorklistCache for a particular user.
refreshWLCache(User) - Method in interface
Refresh the organizational data in the WorklistCache for a particular user.
refreshWLCacheOrgData() - Method in interface
Refresh the organizational data in the worklist cache.
refreshWLCacheOrgData() - Method in interface
Refresh the organizational data in the worklist cache.
refreshWorklistCacheInstances() - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Refresh the activities in the worklist cache
refreshWorklistCacheOrgData() - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Refresh the organizational data in the worklist cache
register(String, Class<? extends IEventHandler>, Object) - Static method in class com.groiss.event.EventManager
Register an event handler
register(String, Class<? extends IEventHandler>, Object, ActivityInstance) - Static method in class com.groiss.event.EventManager
Register an event handler
registerClassifier(Class<? extends Classifier>) - Method in interface
Registers a new Classifier implementation with the given name.
registerField(Class<? extends ProcessField>) - Method in interface
Registers a new ProcessField implementation.
registerHandler(Handler) - Static method in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Connector
Registers a handler for receiving cluster messages.
registerHandler(Handler, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.cluster.communication.Connector
Registers a handler for receiving cluster messages.
registerService(String, Object, int) - Static method in class com.groiss.component.ApplicationContext
Register a service.
registerTimeManagementClass(ProcessDefinition, TimeManagement) - Static method in class com.groiss.timemgmt.TimeManagementFactory
releaseUnfilled() - Method in class
reload() - Method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
Reload the configuration from the configured files.
reload(Configuration) - Method in interface com.groiss.component.ConfigurationAmender
Called when a configuration is reloaded by the system.
reloadDBConnections() - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Marks all Database Connections as old.
reloadDocument(DMSFolder, P, String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Reloads the document, i.e. replaces the content of the document with the content of the passed file
reloadDocument(DMSFolder, P, String, InputStream, long, byte[]) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Reloads the document, i.e. replaces the content of the document with the content of the passed stream
REMIND - Static variable in interface
RemoteDMS - Interface in com.groiss.dms
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
RemoteOrgData - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
RemoteStore - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
RemoteWfEngine - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
remove() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.ThreadLocal2
remove(int) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
remove(DMSFolder, DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Removes an Object from a folder.
remove(DMSFolder, DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Removes an Object from a folder.
remove(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSFolder
Removes the passed object from this folder
remove(Pair<?, ?>) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Removes the mapping for the key path designated by the specified Pair from this map if present.
remove(Instance) - Method in interface
Removes an Instance from this data set
remove(PersistentAspect...) - Static method in enum class
Remove the PersistentAspects at thread level.
remove(Persistent, PersistentAspect...) - Static method in enum class
Remove the PersistentAspects from an object.
remove(ActivityInstance) - Method in interface
Removes the passed object from this folder.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
remove(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.MultiMap
Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present
remove(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.OrderedMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Removes the mapping for this key path component from this map if present.
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.MultiMap
Removes the value for a certain key.
remove(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
Remove a configuration.
remove(String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractContainer
Remove a component.
remove(String) - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.Container
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
removeAll(Collection<DMSObject>) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSFolder
Removes all the objects in the collection from the folder
removeAllRolesFromSession() - Method in interface
Removes all roles from the current usersession.
removeAllRolesFromSession() - Method in interface
Removes all roles from the current usersession.
removeAttribute(Object) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.ThreadContext
Removes the key-value pair identified by the passed key
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
Remove the attribute from the component.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.Component
removes the attribute
removeByKeys(Object, Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.TwoLevelMap
Removes the mapping for this key path from this map if present.
removeChildren() - Method in class com.groiss.ds.Tree
Prune a tree.
removeClass(String) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
removeClass(String) - Method in interface com.groiss.gui.Component
remove the given CSS class(es) from the list of existing CSS-classes
removeContext() - Method in class com.groiss.util.RMIThreadContext
removeEventHandler(PersistentEventHandler<?>) - Static method in class
removeField(String) - Method in class com.groiss.wfxml.WfXMLForm
This method removes a field from this form.
removeFieldModes(ProcessDefinition, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Remove the field modes of a form in a process.
removeFormPackageName(String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.Settings
removeKey(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
Removes the key (and associated object) from the list
removeKeyword(DMSObject, Keyword) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Removes the passed keyword from the passed DMSObject
removeKeyword(DMSObject, Keyword) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Removes the passed keyword from the passed DMSObject
removeNote(DMSNote, User) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSObject
Removes the passed note from this object
removeNote(DMSObject, DMSNote) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Removes the passed note from the passed document.
removeNote(DMSObject, DMSNote) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Removes the passed note from the passed document.
removeParameter(String) - Method in class com.groiss.servlet.MultipartRequest
Removes a parameter from the parameter list.
removeRoleFromSession(Role, OrgUnit) - Method in interface
Removes a role from the current usersession.
removeRoleFromSession(Role, OrgUnit) - Method in interface
Removes a role from the current usersession.
removeRow(int) - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.TableContainer
removes the rows at the specified position INDEX from the table
removeSeens(ActivityInstance, boolean) - Method in interface
Delete the seen information for the given ai.
removeSeens(ActivityInstance, boolean) - Method in interface
removeSelection() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.SelectList
Removes the attribute SELECTED from the selected option.
removeSelections() - Method in class com.groiss.gui.component.SelectList
removes the attribute SELECTED from the selected options
removeSubform(DMSForm, DMSForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Removes the passed subform from the passed mainform.
removeSubform(DMSForm, DMSForm) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Removes the passed subform from the passed mainform.
removeSubform(DMSForm, DMSForm, int) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Removes the passed subform from the subform-relation identified by the passed id in the passed mainform.
removeSubform(DMSForm, DMSForm, int) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Removes the passed subform from the subform-relation identified by the passed id in the passed mainform.
removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.ObjectTableModel
This method does nothing.
renameDocument(DMSFolder, P, String, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Sets the name and extension of the passed object to newName.
renameDocument(DMSFolder, P, String, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Sets the name and extension of the passed object to newName.
REPLACE - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
key for the action 'Replace'
REPLACE_EXISTING - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.dms.DMS.AddOption
Replace the existing document.
REPLACE_URL - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.ActionPage
replaceChar(String, char, String) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.StringUtil
Replace a character by a string.
replaceHTML(FormType, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Regenerate a form.
REPLY - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.mail.MailFunctions.DefaultMailFunction
REPLY_ALL - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.mail.MailFunctions.DefaultMailFunction
Report - Interface in com.groiss.reporting
Java representation of a report
ReportingData - Interface in
Interface ReportingData Inteface for all ReportingData, which does not fit to Standard Datatypes
ReportingExportable - Interface in com.groiss.reporting.export
Interface for ReportingData Objects and AggrValue provides methods for exporting the data objects
ReportingExporter - Interface in com.groiss.reporting.export
Interface of Reporting Exporter.
ReportingTableModel - Class in
reporting tablemodel holds data which are read from db and calculated data like grouping rows
ReportingTableModel(List<List<Object>>, List<?>, Query) - Constructor for class
Constructor for ReportingTableModel
request - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
The HTTP request is set in the init method
request - Variable in class com.groiss.smartclient.JsonDataAdapter
requestAsString - Variable in class com.groiss.http.Client
requestedId - Variable in class com.groiss.smartclient.JsonDataAdapter
resetExceptions(TimerEntry) - Static method in class com.groiss.timer.TimerManager
Empty the list of sent exceptions.
resetForNode(String) - Static method in class
Remove the cached structure for an id.
resizeImage(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.groiss.util.FileUtil
resname - Variable in class com.groiss.component.Resource
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class com.groiss.util.ApplicationObjectInputStream
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class
resolveEntity(String, String, String) - Method in class
resolveObject(Object) - Method in class com.groiss.util.ApplicationObjectInputStream
resolveResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
resource - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableAdapter
Resource - Class in com.groiss.component
Provides resource strings in several languages.
Resource(String, String) - Constructor for class com.groiss.component.Resource
Resource(String, String, Locale) - Constructor for class com.groiss.component.Resource
Response - Class in com.groiss.http
This class implements the response of a request executed via one of the request methods of Client.
RESTAPI_SESSION - Static variable in class com.groiss.util.ThreadContext
restartList() - Method in class com.groiss.component.Configuration
restartServer() - Method in interface com.groiss.server.Admin
Restart the @enterprise server
restoreFromRecycleBin(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.DMS
Restores the passed object from recycle bin, i.e. moves it to it original folder if that folder still exists - otherwise an exception is thrown.
restoreFromRecycleBin(DMSObject) - Method in interface com.groiss.dms.RemoteDMS
Restores the passed object from recycle bin, i.e. moves it to it original folder if that folder still exists - otherwise an exception is thrown.
ResultModifier - Interface in com.groiss.reporting
Interface for modifying a reporting result (table).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.groiss.ds.KeyedList
rewrite(PermissionQuery) - Method in interface com.groiss.accesscontrol.IPermissionMapping
The rewrite method defines the modified permission query as DNF object.
RFC1036 - Static variable in class
Date format RFC1036: EEEEEEEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss z
RFC1123 - Static variable in class
Date format RFC1123: EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z
right - Variable in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.PermissionQuery
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use getter method
Right - Interface in
Interface for describing a right.
RIGHT - Static variable in class com.groiss.gui.table.TableRenderer
RMI_SESSION - Static variable in class com.groiss.util.ThreadContext
RMIService - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
RMIThreadContext - Class in com.groiss.util
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
RMIThreadContext(Principal, UserTransaction, Locale, boolean) - Constructor for class com.groiss.util.RMIThreadContext
RO - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
Determines that the user has only view right for the folder.
RO_REC - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
will not be used and supported since version 8.0
Role - Interface in
This interface describes a role.
ROLE - Enum constant in enum class com.groiss.messaging.Recipient.AgentType
ROLE - Enum constant in enum class
The role worklist.
ROLE_DEPT - Static variable in interface
Scope is the department of the object
ROLE_NO_SUBST - Enum constant in enum class
The role worklist without substitutions.
roleList(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
The method is used in selectUserOrRole
ROLESUSP - Enum constant in enum class
The rolesuspension worklist.
ROLESUSP_NO_SUBST - Enum constant in enum class
The direct rolesuspension worklist.
rollback() - Static method in class com.groiss.component.BeanManager
Rolls back the transaction and releases all beans.
rollback() - Method in interface
Roll back the operations on this XStore.
rollback() - Method in interface
Rollback the current transaction.
rollbackTransaction(UserTransaction) - Static method in class com.groiss.component.BeanManager
root - Variable in class com.groiss.accesscontrol.DNF
root - Variable in class com.groiss.gui.AbstractComponent
the root element of the internal JDOM-Tree of the component
ROW_STYLE_HIDDEN - Static variable in interface com.groiss.reporting.export.ReportingExporter
run(TimerEntry, String) - Method in class com.groiss.fileimport.ImportTimer
run(TimerEntry, String) - Method in interface com.groiss.timer.TimerTask
A timer task is started.
run(TimerEntry, String) - Method in class
the TimerTask interface
running - Variable in class
RW - Static variable in interface com.groiss.dms.DMSTableHandler
Determines that the user has edit right for the folder.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form